
Muhaimin Iqbal

Enabler for Green Hydrogen Economy

Advanced Renewable

Tue , 05 Mar 2024 16:36 WIB

Hydrogen is the cleanest fuel that is idolized by the world today, dozens of world biggest companies guarantee it with so-called Green Hydrogen Pledges. It's just that until now hydrogen still experiences two main obstacles, namely production and logistics.

For hydrogen production, there are currently at least 4 technologies, the first uses water electrolysis - this is not yet energy efficient, it is only feasible if the electricity is clean and very cheap. Second, with steam reforming from fossils, apart from depending on fossils, the process also produces very large CO2 emissions. Another way is to use nuclear energy and solar energy to separate H2 from water, the technology is not yet mass-produced.

The second problem is logistics, it requires very high pressure of up to 700 Bar or a very low temperature of minus 253 degrees Celsius to store and transport hydrogen. So for these two big problems, the reactor we designed below can overcome both at once.

This reactor, which we call Extra High Hydrogen (XH2), can be an enabler for mass green hydrogen production. The raw material itself is syngas - specifically CO which was produced by the previous reactor, namely OCCYRE ( https://lnkd.in/gDU3R9fR ). Because the raw materials are carbon from biomass and CO2, the hydrogen produced by this technology, apart from being green, is also regenerative - it can be grown and re-grown again from the byproducts of previous combustion.

The core of the XH2 are two reactor tubes that complement each other. The right tube receives CO input from OCCYRE and steam from waste heat utilization, both of which are reacted to produce H2 and produce CO2 waste. Because CO2 must be separated from H2, this CO2 is absorbed by an oxide (XO) which we use as an adsorbent. After binding CO2, XO will turn into carbonate (XCO3) and be sent to the left reactor tube.

In the left reactor, XCO3 will be cleaned to become XO again by releasing CO2 out of XH2 - which is than re-captured again with FlueTrap technology and processed into CO through the OCCYRE reactor mentioned above. So both products from this reactor are beneficial, the H2 is the long-awaited clean energy, while the CO2 is the raw material for regenerative energy - for any fuel, including turning it back into H2.

Because XH2 and its OCCYRE can be placed directly in any part of the world, there is no need to store or transport expensive hydrogen, it can be produced in-situ and in-time, only where and when it is needed, while what is stored and transported is charcoal only - easy and low cost logistics.

With XH2 and the previous reactor OCCYRE, green hydrogen could be produced cheaply and massively to respond the world's clean energy needs - anywhere in the world, as what its need only charcoal, CO2 and water. We are looking for partners, manufacturers and investors allover the world to disseminate this technology, so we can accelerate our planet's atmosphere cleaning process.

Energy Teknologi Hydrogen Reactor

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